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Specialist Services

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Chris Tinning & Company provide various specialist services which may be of benefit to our clients, such as:

Independent Pre-Purchase Assessment
Far less than a valuation cost, we can provide an independent opinion as to the purchase price of a hospitality property.

Given our extensive experience in the industry and large data base of historical hotel trading results across country NSW we have first hand knowledge of many properties.

As brokers we are able to keep in close touch with the market place and industry expectations.

Situation Analysis
When you would like to know all the options. If you own a property we may be able to assist in preparing your future.

This report outlines the different interests in your property such as leasehold, freehold, and lessors interest. It explores the value of each interest and the best method of sale; so maximising your return.

Business Plan and Financial Forecast
With the rapid changes in the industry it is becoming more important to recognise your future profitability.

Long and short term cash flow budgets, market analysis and competition comparisons are all important. Financial institutions today are demanding regular and upto date business information.

Our experience allows us, where past trading information is not reliable to use industry standards for margins and costs to provide a foundation on which forecasts can be made.

Renovation & Repair Analysis
The question before spending money on improvements is ……… "Will this expense increase the value of my investment?"

Our personal experience is of assistance in reviewing the design and construction of hospitality properties. An example being that the height of the bar is often decided by the size of the glass washer!

Relief Management
Those in the industry are only too aware of the demands and constraints in operating a hospitality property. Fatigue is very dangerous and time away from the business is the only cure.

Most people do not take enough time off as they cannot find someone who they believe is suitable to replace them on a short-term basis. Selling properties provides us with an extensive range of experienced operators in between their own business. This combined with those professional relief managers we have had experience with provides a great pool to select from.

Marketing Plan
Business today has become more market oriented. Chris Tinning & Co. prepare comprehensive marketing plans that are results oriented and offer cost effective solutions.

Thorough external market research and internal audits are conducted to identify current market trends and the most effective strategies to be implemented. This will be attained by:

  • Short term initiatives to generate immediate cashflow
  • Setting of long term positioning strategies to project a stronger image and attain increased market share by establishing a solid and loyal customer base
  • Developing a strong and recognisable image in the market place via a reassessment of the property's branding
  • Focussing on the properties distinctive competencies.
Chris Tinning & Company
117 Byrnes Road
North Wagga NSW 2650
Ph: +61 (02) 69 710032
Fax: +61 (02) 69 710032