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Club Hotel Garah

Rooms to Let:4 hotel style, 3 dongas
Bars:Single bar operation
Restaurant:Commercial kitchen, separate dining area
Bottle Shop:Over bar
Construction:1 storey brick and weatherboard


The Club Hotel Garah is a single storey brick and weatherboard hotel located in the centre of town on the Carnavon Highway.

This easy to run hotel features a convenient single bar operation, a commercial kitchen catering to the adjoining dining area, pool table and large outdoor areas.

Accommodation consists of 4 motel rooms, located within the hotel as well as three dongas in the extensive grounds (approx. 4,000 sqm).

In the heart of beautiful agricultural land, the inviting village of Garah lies only 50km from Moree as you travel north along the Carnarvon Highway. Surrounded by large scale cropping & livestock properties, there are also 3 cotton gins nearby adding to the local employment. Garah is a go-ahead village with both the Country Women's Association and the Garah Progress Association organising events, projects and fundraisers for the community.

One of the main events on Garah's calendar is the Talmoi Picnic Races which is held in June and is the final leg in the Golden Triangle Picnic Races. The race meeting, drawing large crowds, is a fabulous day of racing, socialising and fashions in the field.

There are a number of facilities available in Garah including a general store, police station, public primary school, post office, petrol depot, public hall, CWA Hall, two churches plus a mechanic.

This opportunity would suit an individual or couple looking for that laid back lifestyle in a rural village.

Call Nick today on 0417 252 199.
Chris Tinning & Company
117 Byrnes Road
North Wagga NSW 2650
Ph: +61 (02) 69 710032
Fax: +61 (02) 69 710032